This is the last show chord of this year, i.e. time for a long trip with a stopover. It’s a long journey for us, because from Koszalin to Lublin, where the local branch of the Polish Kennel Club organized the last international exhibition of this year in our wonderful country. Stopover… because a visit to the hairdresser of our gem Arya was obvious, and as always, whenever there is such a possibility, we visit the champions in this field, i.e. Dorota Stradowska.

It was our first opportunity to participate in an event organized by the Lublin ZKwP and it was really worth it. Good organization, no traffic jams related to car parks and despite a really large number of dogs entered in the competition, you could not feel the crowd. Once again Golden Retrievers were in a very large group. This time only French Bulldogs were entered more. Our sparkle Arya had 11 beautiful rivals in her class. Of course, she rose to the occasion, winning the bronze medal.

Saturday, December 10, 2022
Arya//PURPLE PAPAYA Bloomingen Gold (FCI)
Class: Open
Rating: Excellent
Judge: Judge: Vladimir Piskay (SK
Place: 3 out of 12